Our vision is therefore to work towards a world with equitable access to fundamental livelihood resources of water, energy and food while maintaining a healthy planet for our future generations.

We aspire to become the world’s premier research group that improves livelihoods in challenging environments through sustainable application of earth science, remote sensing and advanced information technology.

We are all about crossing the last mile using user-ready research that empowers others to improve their livelihoods in a sustainable and equitable manner.

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Current Members

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Faisal Hossain

PhD University of Connecticut, 2004
M.Eng National University of Singapore, 1999
B.S. Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, 1996

Click here for CV
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Pritam Das

Pursuing PhD on “Computationally Efficient and Robust Satellite-based Global Reservoir Modeling”

M.Tech (Integrated 5-year) Indian Institute of Technology- Roorkee 2020 (Gold Medalist)

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Shahzaib Khan

Pursuing PhD on “Investingating Satellite-based Surface Water Applications in Water and Irrigation Management for Food and Water Security”

B.Tech Indian Institute of Technology- Gandhinagar 2021

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Sanchit Minocha

Pursuing PhD on “Globally Scalable Data-driven Techniques for Understanding Human Impact on Surface Water Quantity and Quality”

M.Tech (Integrated 5-year) Indian Institute of Technology- Roorkee 2020 (Gold Medalist)