Current Members

Sarath Suresh
Pursuing PhD on “Improving Multi-purpose Reservoir Operations in Flood-prone Mountainous Environments”,
M.Tech Indian Institute of Technology- Mumbai

Qishi Zhou
Pursuing PhD in Aerospace Engineering. Honorary Robotics Engineer for SASWE Group
B.S University of Minnesota, MS University of Washington

George Darkwah
Pursuing PhD on “Hydro-thermal Signature Prediction of Regulated River Basins for Improving Ecological and Public Health Decision-making”
MS. Tennessee Technological University, 2022

Sanchit Minocha
Pursuing PhD on “Globally Scalable Data-driven Techniques for Understanding Human Impact on Surface Water Quantity and Quality”
M.Tech (Integrated 5-year) Indian Institute of Technology- Roorkee 2020 (Gold Medalist)

Victoria Tchervenski
SASWE Research Summer Intern, 2023
Innovation High School, Bothell, WA (Now at University of Washington)

Shahzaib Khan
Pursuing PhD on “Investingating Satellite-based Surface Water
Applications in Water and Irrigation Management for Food and
Water Security”
B.Tech Indian Institute of Technology- Gandhinagar 2021

Pritam Das
Pursuing PhD on “Computationally Efficient and Robust
Satellite-based Global Reservoir Modeling”
M.Tech (Integrated 5-year) Indian Institute of Technology-
Roorkee 2020 (Gold Medalist)
Past Members - SASWE Alumni

Jonathan Schwenk
B.S – Tennessee Technological University, 2007 Undegraduate Research: National Survey of Course Curriculum on Stochastic Theory for Water Resources Engineering. NSF Graduate Fellowship Awardee – 2010-2013

Preethi Raj
B.Eng – Visveswaraih Technological University, Bangalore, India, 2005 Graduated Spring 2007 – Adjunct Faculty at Nashville Tech 2008-2009. Thesis Topic: Error Budget Analyses of Hydrologic Models using Satellite Rainfall Data. Abstract

Amanda Harris
B.Eng – Tennessee Technological University, USA, 2005 Thesis Topic: Investigating Optimal Configuration of Hydrologic Models during Data Denial Situations Using Satellite Rainfall Data. Graduated Spring 2007
Working at US Army Corps of Engineers at Nashville.

Nitin Katiyar
B.Tech – Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, 2004. Thesis Topic: Hydrologic Modeling Framework for Rapid Prototyping of GPM-based Flood Forecasting in International River Basins. Graduated Summer 2007
At HDR Inc. as Professional Associate

Mohammed Kibria Chowdhury
MS on “Physically-based spatial mapping of arsenic contamination using artificial neural networks and chaos theory” B.S. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh, 2006 Ivanhoe Fellowship Awardee Graduated Spring 2009

Matthew Boynton
MS on “Improving Engineering Education in Rural Counties through Hydrological Risk Analysis” B.S. Tennessee Technological University, 2005. Graduated Summer 2009. Now pursuing PhD in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech

Robby Florence
Summer Internship (EDF Funded Project) on “Development of STEVE 2.0 for Stochastic Theory Education in the Classroom” B.S. Tennessee Technological University, 2008 Pursued MS at UNC Chapell Hill

Dr. Indu Jeyachandran
Post Doctoral Associate- (Jan 2009-May 2009)”Coupled Land-Atmospheric Modeling of Large River Basins to Predict Alteration to Low-Frequency Precipitation by Man-Made Water Projects” PhD, University of Utah – 2008.