Our vision is therefore to work towards a world with equitable access to fundamental livelihood resources of water, energy and food while maintaining a healthy planet for our future generations.
We aspire to become the world’s premier research group that improves livelihoods in challenging environments through sustainable application of earth science, remote sensing and advanced information technology.
We are all about crossing the last mile using user-ready research that empowers others to improve their livelihoods in a sustainable and equitable manner.
Decision Support Tools
Developed by SASWE Group for Real-World Application

Reservoir Assessment Tool
Global Reservoir Assessment Tool

Dam Network Tool (Damnet)
Dam Network Tool

Happy Earth Solutions
Happy Earth Solutions

Intelligent Dam Decisions and Assessment

Nile Basin Reservoir Advisory System

South Asian Surface Water Modelling System

Flash Flood
Flash Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System

Jason-3 Visualizer
Dynamic River Width based Jason 3 Altimeter Height Visualizer
Current Members

Sarath Suresh
Pursuing PhD on “Improving Multi-purpose Reservoir Operations in Flood-prone Mountainous Environments”,
M.Tech Indian Institute of Technology- Mumbai

Qishi Zhou
Pursuing PhD in Aerospace Engineering. Honorary Robotics Engineer for SASWE Group
B.S University of Minnesota, MS University of Washington

George Darkwah
Pursuing PhD on “Hydro-thermal Signature Prediction of Regulated River Basins for Improving Ecological and Public Health Decision-making”
MS. Tennessee Technological University, 2022